
  • [단어장]Magic Tree House #27 (Thanksgiving on Thursday)
    영어단어장/매직트리하우스 2014. 7. 31. 01:01
    During: 2014.07.07(Mon) ~ 2014.07.11(Fri)
    Magic Tree House #27 (Thanksgiving on Thursday) - 1 ~ 2 Chapter
    이번에는 잭과 애니가 추수감사절인 시절로 떠납니다.
    여기서 과연 어떤 특별한 매직을 찾게될까요?
    잭과 애니는 필그림이 사는 곳으로 다가가다가 잭이 그만 덫에 걸려버립니다.

    개인적으로 추수감사절에 대해서 자세히 몰랐었는데..
    이번 기회로 많이 배울 수 있는 계기가 되겠네요~!
    우선 추수 감사절은..
    추수감사절은 1620년 메이 플라워 호를 타고 신대륙 미국에 정착한 영국 청교도들이 이듬해 11월 추수를 마치고 3일간 축제를 연데서 유래한다.
    링크: http://terms.naver.com/entry.nhn?docId=72721&cid=520&categoryId=520

    She pointed to the scrolls from Shakespeare's theater and the ( twig ) from the gorillas. - (나무의) 잔가지
    ** 26권: They munched ( twig )s and branches and pieces of bark and bamboo. - (나무의) 잔가지
    ** 26권: "( Wiggle ) your arms and your legs," said Jack. - 흔들다.
    ** 25권: It was crammed with fancy gowns, purple and blue capes, gold and silver ( wig )s, stacks of hats, and masks. - 가발

    ** 26권: Ho-ho's mom made a bed of weed ( stalk )s for Ho-ho. - (식물의) 줄기
    * limb: 나뭇가지
    * trunk: 나무의 몸통
    * twig:  (나무의) 잔가지

    When work and ( toil )  are done, - (장시간의) 노동

    Bright, golden sunlight ( pour )ed into the tree house. - (빛, 열 따위) 를 발산하다.
    The air felt ( crisp ) and cool. - 상쾌한(=fresh)

    Jack wore a jacket with a ( frilly ) collar. - 주름이 있는
    ** 03권: Her long white dress and many tiny ( pleat )s - 주름
    ** 03권: Gold ( plate ) s. Painted cups. Jeweled goblets. Woven baskets. - 접시
    * collar: 깃

    ** 24권: Annie was wearing a blue-and-whie dress with a big sailor ( collar ) and white stockings.- 깃
    ** 03권: And a wide gold ( collar ). - (개 등의 목에 거는) 목걸이
    * sailor collar: http://www.burdastyle.com/projects/sailor-collar-to-old-blouse

    ** 23권 A storm ( cellar ) was like a rough basement below the ground. - 지하저장고

    "Oh, man. I bet we're in the time of the ( Pilgrim )s!" - 필그림(1620년에 메이플라워호(The Mayflower)를 타고 미국으로 간 영국인 the Pilgrim Fathers 중의 한 사람)

    He and Annie ( scramble )d to the window. - 재빨리 움직이다.

    The Pilgrims wanted to settle near New York. But a storm blew their ship north. They landed in a bay on the coast of what is now Massachusetts. Six years before,
    Captain John Smith had explored the coast. He had named the bay Plymouth.
    필그림들은 뉴욕에 정착하기 원했으나 폭풍우 때문에 배가 북쪽으로 이동했고, 뉴욕보다 위인 메사추세츠에 정착했다. 6년전 캡틴 존 스미스가 이 해안을 탐험하다 플라머스라고 이름 지었다.

    플리머스 식민지 ((Pilgrim Fathers가 1620년 Massachusetts주에 건설했던 식민지))

    "I played Priscilla," said Annie.
    "I played a turkey," said Jack.
    * play: 배역을 맡다.

    He ( slung ) the bag over his shoulder and hurried down the ladder after Annie. - 느슨하게 매다(sling-slung-slung)
    ** 26권: Bu-bu and Ho-ho ran to Big Guy and ( clung ) to his legs. - 달라붙다(cling-clung-clung)

    낙엽밟는 소리

    The autumn leaves crunched and crackled under their leather shoes.
    * crunch: 자박자박 소리 내다
    * crackle: 탁탁 소리 내다
    ** 05권: Jack ( crouch )ed below the window. - 쭈그리고 앉다
    ** 01권: ( Clutch )ing her magnolia flower, she took off down the hill. - 꽉 움켜쥐다.

    In the distance was a row of small log houses with steep thatched roofs.
    * a row of: 한줄의 ~
    * log: 통나무
    * steep: 언덕
    ** sheep: 양(ram: 숫양), goat: 염소
    * thatch: 짚으로 이다
    * roof: 지붕(thatched roof: 초가지붕)

    "AHHH!" Jack shouted as he was ( jerk )ed up into the air. - (갑자기) 잡아당기다
    ** 02권: She ( yank )ed the book away from him. - 훽 잡아당기다.

    Magic Tree House #27 (Thanksgiving on Thursday) - 3 ~ 4 Chapter
    잭은 사람들 덕분에 덫에서 구출되지만..
    여기 사람들은 잭이 많이 쓰는 nuts, wow, oh, brother 단어를 전혀 이해를 못하네요.
    그래서 외계인 취급을 받게 되고, 사람들이 어디서 왔냐고 질문을 받게 됩니다.
    잭은 책에서 본 기억을 어렴풋이 ..
    존 스미스가 자신들이 어릴때 데리고 이곳 해안을 발견했다고 구라를 치기 시작하지만..
    그 배안에 함께 있었던 스퀜토가 잭과 애니를 유심히 바라봅니다.
    잭은 아차 싶었지만... 스퀜토는 이 아이드를 봤었다고 하네요
    왜 일까요? 음음.. 저도 궁금합니다. ㅎㅎㅎ

    첫 추수감사절이지만.. 생각외로 곡식이 많이 걷어들이지 못했네요.
    소녀는 이제 새를 잡으러 간다고 하는데.. 잭과 애니는 전혀 이해를 못하고 있습니다.
    마치 다른 세계에서 온 것처럼 말이죠.
    그리고 혼란에 빠지게 되는데요..
    아마 애니는 이 혼란을 극복할 방법을 알고 있겠죠? ^^

    The ( skinny ) dog barked and jumped around happily. - 깡마른

    A ( burly ) man shooed the dog away, then grabbed Jack. -건장한
    * shoo: 숴이라고 하다

    ** 03권: It ( swooshed )  toward them! - 휙[쌩] 하는 소리를 내며 움직이다
    ** 03권: Jack felt a ( whoosh ) of cold air - 쉭 하는 소리
    ** 17권:With a ( hiss ) and rush of light, a rocket streaked into the sky. - 쉿; 쉿하는 소리를 내다

    Jack sat in the leaves, feeling ( dizzy ).- 어지러운
    He took the rope off his foot and ( rub )bed his ankle. - 문지르다

    ** 24권: His legs were like ( rubber ). - 고무
    ** 24권: He hazed at the ( rubble ) all around them. - (허물어진 건물의) 돌무더
    ** 03권: So tomb ( robber )s would not steal it," said the ghost-queen. - 도둑

    ** 17권: Grandmother pointed to two buffalo ( robe )s that lay to one side of the still burning fire. - 여행용 무릎 덮개
    ** 10권: "Wonderful," Morgan said. Then she reached into her ( robe ) and pulled out a scroll. - 예복

    His black hair was ( braid )ed and had a feather in it. - (머리를) 땋다

    "Whore art thou?"
    * art:  be의 제2인칭 단수 직설법 현재형 ((주어는 thou))
    * thou: [옛글투 또는 방언]당신(you를 의미하는 단수 주어 형태)

    ** thee: [대명사] (옛글투 또는 방언) you (동사의 목적어로 쓰인 2인칭 단수일 때)
    *** 27권: I bid thee(you) bring back as many eels and clams as thou can.
    *** 동사 bid의 목적어가 you인데 옛글이라 thee로 사용되었네요.

    "Oh, brother?" repeated Priscilla. Annie ( giggle )d. "Um. Never mind," said Jack. - 피식웃다

    "Does thou remember two ( wee ) babes named Jack and Annie?" - 아주 작은

    Squanto turned to the ( governor ). - (식민지의) 총독, 주지사

    too 형용사 to-v: 너무 형용사해서 v할 수 없었다.
    Jack was too surprised to speak.

    Is he mistaking us for two other kids?
    * mistake A for B: A를 B라고 혼동하다

    "'Tis a wonder," he said. -
    * 'tis: it is

    He wore a fur ( robe ) and white beads. - 예복
    ** 18장: Grandmother pointed to two buffalo ( robe )s that lay to one side of the still burning fire. - (짐승 가죽 따위로 만든) 여행용 무릎 덮개
    * beads: 구슬

    "Jack, would thou like to go ( fowling ) with the boys?" Priscilla asked him. - 들새를 잡다(fowl)

    "Then I bid thee(you) bring back as many eels and clams as thou(you) can."
    * bid: (경매에서) 값을 부르다
    * eel: 뱀방어
    * clam: 조개
    ** 02권 Jack and Annie were pushed into a cold, ( clammy ) room. - 축축한
    Magic Tree House #27 (Thanksgiving on Thursday) - 5 ~ 6 Chapter
    잭은 이곳에 할 수 없기 때문에 가자고 하지만
    그냥 있을 애니가 아니죠^^

    결국 장어와 조개를 잡으러 가는데...
    장어를 잡으면서 미끄러지고 넘어지게 되고 ㅋㅋㅋ
    조개는 보통 수십년간 살기 때문에 .. 그들의 삶을 위해 잡지 않는 잭과 애니 ㅋㅋㅋ
    보다못한 프리실라(발음 찾아봤네요 ㅋㅋ)는 잭과 애니를 데리고 자신의 집에 데리고 가서
    추수감사절 음식을 하는데 도와달라고 합니다.
    이제야 잭이 쓸모 있는 일을 할 수 있게 된걸까요?
    잭은 주워진 일을 잘끝내고 칭찬까지 받습니다.
    그리고 잭과 애니 그리고 프리실라를 따라 밖으로 나가게 되는데..

    27권: ( Clutch )ing the big basket, she started running toward the bay. - 움켜쥐다.

    27권: At the ( rocky ) shore, they stopped and looked around.: 바위 투성이의
    형용사형 접미사 ~y: http://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=fanclub200&logNo=120135530841

    ** 05권: Dark ( rock )s dotted the side of the mountain. - 바위
    *** dot: 여기저기 흩어 놓다.
    ** 06권: The canoe ( rock )ed. (앞뒤·좌우로 살살) 흔들다

    27권:  Seagulls ( swoop )ed over the water. - 급강하하다(1권에서 프테라노돈이 급강하했었죠)
    ** 05권: She ( scoop )ed up the mouse.  - 재빨리 들어올리다.
    ** 02권: "I'm going to take a peek. A teeny peek," she said. And she ( scoot )ed down the ladder. - 재빨리가다

    27권: "I wonder where the ( eel )s are?" said Annie. "And the clams?" - 장어
    * clam: 조개
    ** 04권: Jack could see ( shell )s and tiny fishes. - 조개
    ** 21권: Cannon ( shell )s exploding," said Clara Barton. - 포탄

    4형식 문장
    Squanto showed the Pilgrims a way to catch eels.
    주어: Squanto
    동사: showed
    간목: the Pilgrims
    직목: a way <- to catch eels. (장어를 잡는 방법)

    He kept ( squish )ing the muddy sand with his toes. - 질척질척한
    비슷한 단어 i 자리에 a로 바꾸면
    ** 03권: Her ( squash )ed nose. - 짓눌리다 (후테피 미라를 설명한 장면)
    27권: "Would thou like to put some of my corn and ( squash ) in thy basket?" said Priscilla. - 호박
    *** squash: 스쿼시(운동)

    20권에서 엄마캥거루가 돌아오는 것을 묘사한 이런 문장이 있었네요.
    20권: The sound was very faint at first. But then it grew louder. It was a ( squishy ) sound. It was a ( squashy ) sound.

    He felt ( pebble )s and shells. - 조약돌
    * 06권: "Wait!" said Jack. "We don't have ( paddles )!" - 노
    * 03권: Jack ( dog-paddle )d through the cold black water. - 개헤엄

    27권: The eel was long and skinny like a snake. It felt slimy and icky!
    * slimy: 끈적끈적한(=sticky)
    * icky: (특히 끈적끈적하게) 기분 나쁜

    27권: It twisted and ( squirm )ed. Annie laughed as Jack tried to hold on to it. - 꿈툴거리다.

    27권: The eel ( wiggle )d out of Jack's hands and fell against Annie. - 흔달다(26권 고릴라처럼 애니가 따라하다 떨어졌을때 잭이 손발을 흔들어보라고 했었죠 부러진 곳이 있는지 없는지)

    27권: With more screams, they both ( tumble )d into the cold water. - 구르다
    ** 26권: Jack ( stumble )d back through the brush until he came to a thick wall of plants. - 발이 걸리다.
    ** 02권: She push the door open. The two of them ( stumbled ) into a dark, cold room. - 우연히 발견하다.

    27권: Squanto taught the Pilgrims how to dig for ( quahog ) clams. - 대합류 조개

    27권: They collected ( nut )s. - 견과
    "Are you ( nuts )?" said Jack. - 미친

    27권: "We make lousy Pilgrim children."
    27권: Maybe we could do something like … like ( keep an eye on ) the turkey and tell them when it's ready. - (손상되거나 해를 입지 않도록) ~을 계속 지켜보다

    "Would thou like to put some of my corn and ( squash ) in thy basket?" said Priscilla. - 호박
    "Would thou please ( stir ) the corn pudding whilst thou art drying?" asked Priscilla. - 젓다
    * whilst: while

    "Sit by the ( hearth )," said Priscilla, "so your clothes can dry." - (벽) 난로
    He put it into the thick, ( bubbly ) pudding and stirred. - 거품이 많은
    "Whilst I am gone, move the roots close to the ( ash )es and stir herbs into the seafood chowder." - 재
    They used dried herbs to flavor soups and seafood ( chowder )s. - 차우더
    * flavo:  맛
    These vegetables, such as carrots and ( turnip )s, grow under the ground. - 순무

    She ( crumble )d the leaf into the chowder. - 바스러뜨리다.

    ('Twas ) a terrible winter. - It'was

    Not only was she kind, but she was incredibly brave as well.
    * not only A but (also) B: A 뿐만아니라 B도
    * 부정어 not이 나와서 도치(was she) 되었네요.
    * as well: 게다가

    Magic Tree House #27 (Thanksgiving on Thursday) - 7 ~ 8 Chapter
    자신감이 붙은 잭이였지만 결국 칠면조 요리를 망쳐버리게 됩니다.
    왠지 첫 추수감사절을 망친것 같았지만 알고보니 모든 집에서 요리를 가지고 나오는 것이였죠
    그리고 여기서 3번째 특별한 마법을 배우게 됩니다.
    The magic of community!

    Turn three worlds into one.
    하지만 배가 너무 고픈 나머지 정말 배부르게 식사하네요 ^^

    "( Make haste ) or we will miss it!" said Priscilla. - 빨리 하다

    Then he ( flap )ped his arms up and down. - 펄럭이다
    ** flip through: (책장을) 휙휙 넘기다.
    ** flag: 기

    So did Jack, but he wasn't sure why.
    * so did Jack(=Jack did too)

    A: Which do you like better summer or winter?
    B: I like winter better.
    A: So do I.(=I like winter, too)

    A ( puff ) of smoke rose into the air. - 둥글게 피어오르다
    * 10권: He ( huffed and puffed ) and pulled. - (몹시 지쳐서) 헉헉거리다.

    Jack was wearing a shirt with ( puffy sleeves ), knee-length pants, and tights. - 끝이 둥근 소매
    * puffy sleeves: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-4tzXGdp7QXI/T7sCC9zOeNI/AAAAAAAAA5Q/y3QgV8BcTE4/s400/Puffed+Sleeves+4.jpg

    "On special ( occasion )s they like to show off their arms." - (특별한) 행사
    * show off: 자랑하다, 과시하다
    ** occasionally: 가끔

    But she just smiled at him ( fondly ). - 애정을 듬뿍 담고

    "I thank thee for making me laugh, Jack," she said.
    * thank A for B: A가 B 한 것을 감사해하다.

    The grease from the turkey sputtered and popped.
    * sputter: 펑펑하는 소리를 내다
    * pop: 뻥하고 소리내다(터지다, 튀다)

    ** 04권: He ( prop )ped the pirate book in the sand. - 받치다.

    The fire sizzled and smoke billowed up.
    * sizzle: (기름에 굽거나 튀기는 음식이) 지글지글 하는 소리를 내다
    * billow: 밀려오다

    비슷한 단어들
    ** pillow: 베개

    ** swirl: 소용돌이 치다.
    *** 21권: "No, it was magic! A swirl of light!" said Annie.
    ** puff: (많은 양의 연기, 김을[이]) 내뿜다[뿜어져 나오다]

    ** bellow: 고함치다.
    *** 1권: Jack heard another sound as well. A deep, bellowing sound. Like a tuba.

    ** shallow: (명사)얕은 곳, (형용사)앝은
    ** swallow: 삼키다.

    And now he had ( ruin )ed their first Thanksgiving! - (가치, 기쁨 등을) 망치다
    "I did it," Jack ( confess)ed. - 자백하다

    Priscilla just stared at the burned turkey in the wet, ( messy ) hearth. - 뒤범벅의, 혼란된

    "I ruined everything," he ( mumble )d. - 중얼거리(듯 말하)다

    Jack saw roasted ( duck )s, turkeys, and deer meat. - 오리
    ** 06권: Jack and Annie ( duck )ed again. - (몸을) 숙이다

    He saw pumpkins, beans and corn, dried ( plum )s, berries and roasted nuts, steamy pots of soups and puddings, and loaves of baked breads. - 자두
    * steamy: 김이 자욱한
    * a loaf of: 한 덩어리의(복수형: loaves)
    * breads: 빵
    ** beard: 수염
    ** mustache: 콧수염

    We salted our fish and ( cure )d our meat. - (식품, 담배를 훈연, 소금 절임 등으로) 보존 처리를 하다
    ** Will you be able to ( cure ) him, Doctor? - (병을) 낫게하다

    Then she served them ( plenty ) of food. - 충분한

    Magic Tree House #27 (Thanksgiving on Thursday) - 9 ~ 10 Chapter

    축제가 끝나고 접시를 딱기 시작합니다.
    그리고 이제 잭과 애니는 집으로 가야할 시간이네요~~

    매트하로 돌아가는길에 스퀜토가 잭과 애니에게 옥수수를 재배하는 방법에 대해서 가르쳐 줍니다.
    잭은 이때다 싶어서 노트를 꺼내 메모하기 시작합니다.
    잭은 마지막으로 궁금한 것이 있었는데요.
    바로 처음에 잭과 애니를 remember 했다는 질문이였습니다.
    스퀜토는 유럽에서 쳐들어 왔을때 노예로 팔려가게 되었고
    그때 두려움을 느꼈는데.. 바로 잭과 애니의 눈빛이 그러해서
    도와주고 싶었다고 하네요.
    마지막 이 이야기가 정말 짠~했습니다.

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    한주간 고생 많으셨습니다.
    감사합니다 ^^

    Slowly the feast ( came to an end ). - 끝나다(come to an end)

    The guests wiped their ( plate )s with their last bits of bread. - 접시(=platter)

    "Ah, thou must go back to ( thine ) own community now," said Priscilla. - 당신의 것(=yours)

    As they passed the cornfield, the dried ( stalk )s swayed in the breeze. - 줄기
    * as: (동시동작)
    * sway: (좌우로) 흔들리다.
    * breeze: 산들바람

    They made shushing sounds.
    * shush: 쉬~~
    ** 03권: Jack felt a ( whoosh ) of cold air - 쉭 하는 소리
    ** 17권:With a ( hiss ) and rush of light, a rocket streaked into the sky. - 쉿; 쉿하는 소리를 내다

    "Put the seed in the ground when the oak-tree ( bud ) is as small as a mouse's ear." - 싹, 봉우리
    "Dig holes and put two ( rot )ting fish in each hole," said Squanto. - 썩은
    * dig: 파다

    "Yes, rotting fish is good food for the ( soil )," said Squanto. - 흙, 땅

    Jack was ( eager) to get going—before Squanto could ask them questions about the past. - 열망하는

    They took me to Europe as a slave.
    * take A to B: A를 B로 데려가다
    * as: ~로써
    * slave: 노예

    Their feet ( crunch )ed through the red and yellow leaves. - 으드득[뽀드득 등](단단한 것이 으스러질 때 나는 소리)
    ** ** 26권: They ( munch )ed twigs and branches and pieces of bark and bamboo. - 아삭아삭 먹다
    *** twig: (나무의) 잔가지

    From the distance came the sounds of the Pilgrims singing a ( hymn ) and the Wampanoag beating their drums. - 찬송가

    He was looking forward to visiting their grandmother today and seeing their cousins and aunts and uncles.
    * be looking forward to ~: ~ 하는것을 학수고대(鶴首苦待) 하다.
    * 학수고대(鶴首苦待) - 학처럼 목을 길게 빼고 기다린다는 뜻으로, 몹시 기다림을 이르는 말

    "( Worst of all ), lots of their friends and family members died," said Annie. - 무엇보다 가장 나쁜 것


    But when Squanto returned to Plymouth in 1619 after being kidnapped as a slave, he discovered that all his people had died in a plague in 1617.
    * kidnap: 납치
    * discover: 발견하다
    * plague: 전염병

    Squanto knew English as well as the language of the Wampanoag, he helped ( negotiate ) a peace treaty between the Pilgrims and Chief Massasoit. 협상하다
    * treaty: 조약

    고어 정리
    art: are
    thou: you(you를 의미하는 단수 주어 형태)
    thine: yours
    thee: you(목적어로 2인칭 단수일때)
    'Tis: It'is
    'Twas: It'was

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