During: 2014.08.04(Mon) ~ 2014.08.08(Fri)
Magic Tree House #10 (Ghost Town at Sundown) - 1 ~ 2 Chapter
애니의 직감이 맞았을까요? 토끼를 보고 모건할머니께서 되돌아온 것을 직감합니다.
이번에는 1800년대 미국 서부로 가게 되네요~^^
텅비고 으스스한 마을에 도착한 잭과 애니는 한 건물에 들어가게 되는데요.
여기서 카우보이 의상을 갖춰입게 됩니다.
그리고 갑자기 들려오는 피아노 소리의 정체는 과연 수수께끼를 해결하는데 도움이 될까요?
우선.. 말과 관련된 단어 정리했던거 ^^
* gallop: (말 등이) 전속력으로 달리다. (자동차 갤로퍼 아시죠? ^^;;)
* rein: 고삐
* snap: 속력을 내기 위하여 손목을 재빨리 안쪽으로 꺾으면서 던지는 일.
* slap: 손바닥으로) 철썩 때리다[치다]
* neigh: 말이 우는 소리
* whinny: (조용히) 울다
* whoa: 워(말 등을 세울 때 내는 소리)
* giddy-up: 이랴(말을 더 빨리 달리게 하려고 내는 소리)
* hoof: (소, 말의) 발굽
* mane: (말의)갈기
* mustang: 야생마
* stirrup: 등자쇠
* saddle: 안장
* grazing horses: 목초를 먹는 말
* stroke: 쓰다듬다
* spur: 박차(10권: She picked up a pair of rusty spurs.)
* colt: (4~5세 된) 수망아지
Jack and Annie were sitting on the ( porch ) of their house. - 현관
비슷하게 생긴 단어
** 05권: The mouse peeked out of her ( pouch ). - 주머니(파우치라고 하죠 ^^)
** 04권: A black cat was ( perch )ed on a branch. Right outside window. - 앉다
Annie was ( gazing ) down the street at the Frog Creek woods. - 응시하다(gaze)
** gaze at: 노려보다(=stare at, glare at, scowl at, glower at)
** 02권: They ( stared at ) the shiny flashlight in her hand.
** 02권: Jack ( glared at ) her.
** The prisoner ( scowled at ) the jailer. 그 죄수 는 교도관 을 노려보았다
** He ( glowered at ) me but said nothing. - 그는 나를 노려봤지만 아무말이 없었다.
glare 다른 뜻
21권: ( Glaring ) sunlight filled the tree house. "It's really hot here," said Jack. - (불쾌하게) 환하다[눈부시다](glare)
The rabbit was standing in a ray of sunlight.
* a ray of: 한 줄기의
** 06권: The ( streak ) of white appeared. And disappeared. - 줄무늬
*** 여기서 white는 피넛이고, 아마존 숲을 헤치며 매트하를 찾아내는 장면을 묘사한 문장입니다.
Jack and Annie followed the rabbit until he ( vanish )ed behind the tallest tree. - 사라지다
** 비슷한 단어 perish: 사라지다
** 아브라함 링컨 - 게티스버그 연설문(1863.11.19) 중에서..
*** that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
"I told you! See?" said Annie, ( pant )ing. - 헐떡거리다
** 05권: They wore black ( pant )s and shirts. - 바지
As always, Jack was very happy to see the ( enchantress ) librarian again. - 여자 마법사
* as always: 언제나처럼
** 여성을 뜻하는 접미사 ess
*** 왕자: prince, 공주: princess
*** 주인: host, 여주인: hostess
*** 웨이터: waiter, 여웨이터:waitress
"I have many ( odd ) friends." - 특이한, 이상한
** even number: 짝수(<-> odd number 홀수)
He ( was going to ) be a Master Librarian who traveled through time and space.
* be going to: ~ 할 예정이다
** will을 막연한 예정이지만 be going to는 어느정도 확실한 예정입니다.
** 예를들어 나 내일 이사가 이럴 경우에는 will을 쓰면 안되고 be going to를 써야 합니다. 이사가는것은 이미 이사갈집외에 이사짐 센터등등 모두 예약이 끝난 상태니깐요.
** I am going to move tomorrow.
* 또한 이 문장에서 주격관계대명사가 나왔네요. 괄호부분이 형용사가 되어 앞에 선행사(Master Librarian)를 꾸며줍니다.
Master Librarian ( who traveled through time and space ).
too + 형 + to-v: 너무 형용사 해서 v할 수 없었다.
It was almost too good to believe.
마스터 라이브러리언이 되는 것은 너무 좋아서 믿을 수 없었다.
She pulled a book from her ( robe ) and handed it to Jack. - 예복
** 17권: Grandmother pointed to two buffalo ( robe )s that lay to one side of the still burning fire. - 여행용 무릎 덮개
On the cover was a picture of a western town on a prairie.
** prairie: 목초지(=meadow, pasture)
In real life it looked empty and ( spooky ). - 으시시한(=creepy)
"That's ( creepy )," said Annie. - 으스스한
To one side of the town was a patch of ground with several tombstones.
* a patch of: 다른 표면과 달라 보이는 부분(9권에 나왔었네요!)
** 09권: She put the wet ocean book in ( a patch of ) sunlight.
* several: 몇개의
* tombstone: 묘비
There were no human sounds at all—only the buzzing of flies and the ( whistling ) of the dry wind. - 휘파함 부는
In the 1870s, Rattlesnake Flats was a rest stop for the stagecoach that carried passengers from Santa Fe, New Mexico, to Fort Worth, Texas.
* Rattlesnake Flat: 골든 밸리 카운티(Golden Valley County) - 미국 노스다코타 주(州)에 있는 카운티이다.
원래 빌링스 카운티의 일부였으며, 1910년 마을 주민들의 투표로 빌링스 카운티에서 독립하기로 결정했으나, 1912년까지 공식적인 카운티 설립이 이루어지지 못했다. 이곳에 뱀이 많이 발견되기 때문에 래틀스네이크 플랫츠(Rattlesnake Flats)로 언급되기도 한다.
원문: http://terms.naver.com/entry.nhn?docId=1308976&cid=40942&categoryId=34126
* rest stop: 휴계소
* stagecoach: 역마차
* carry: 나르다
* passenger: 승객
When the creek dried up, everyone left. By 1880, it was a "ghost town.
* creek: 개울, 시내
** creepy: 으시시한
** creep: 살금살금 움직이다
** creak: 삐걱거리다
* dry up: 바싹 마르다
( Tumbleweed )s blew across the dry ground. - 굴러다니는 풀
"That ( rattling ) sound!" said Annie. - 덜컹덜컹 소리나는
"There!" Annie pointed to a ( rattlesnake ). - 방울뱀
It was coiled up and rattling.
* coil up: 돌돌 감다
The town was hardly big enough to call a town.
* hardly: 거의 ~ 않다(부정)
* enough to: ~ 에 충분한
이 마을은 마을이라고 부르기에 충분히 크지 않다.
There was one ( unpaved ) street and a few old buildings. - 비포장된
The wooden boards ( creak )ed loudly. - 삐걱거리다.
다시 복습
** creek: 개울, 시내
** creepy: 으시시한
** creep: 살금살금 움직이다
** creak: 삐걱거리다
The door had fallen off its ( hinge )s. - 경첩
Spider webs hung from the ceiling.
* hang: 걸다(hang-hung-hanged)
* ceiling: 천장
He and Annie ( tiptoe )d into the store. - 발꿈치로 살금살금 걷다
"Look," said Annie. She picked up a pair of rusty ( spur )s. - 박차
Then he tried to walk.
* try + to-v: v를 노력하거나 시도하다.
** try + v-ing: v를 시험삼아 해보다.
He ( pulled off ) his sneakers - 벗다(=take off)
The boots were really ( stiff ). - 뻣뻣한
Jack threw his sneakers into his backpack and ( hobble )d after Annie. - 절름거리다.
"I'm still having problems with Merlin," said the enchantress, "which leaves me little time to do my real work. But soon you both will become Master Librarians, and that will be a big help to me."
이 문장에서 .. leaves가 정확히 이해가 안되네요~
내버려 두다인것 같은데....
다들 어떻게 이해하셨나요~?
그리고 which 앞에 컴마가 있는 경우 앞에있는 문장 전체를 수식한다고 하네요~ ^^
(이번에 처음 알았습니다~~)
Magic Tree House #10 (Ghost Town at Sundown) - 3 ~ 4 Chapter
이번에는 1~4장까지 단어가 장난 아니군요 ^^
잭과 애니는 피아노 소리에 윗층으로 올라갔지만 아무것도 없었죠. 과연 유령이 있는걸까요?
1권에서 진짜만 믿는 잭이 이런걸 믿을리 없죠. 하지만 그들은 이미 이집트에서 후테피 여왕을 본적이 있잖아요~? ^^;;
갑자기 누군가 나타나서.. 급히 통속에 숨게됩니다.
알고보니 가축도둑이였는데요. 이들이 어린 colt는 느리다고 엄마만 데리고 떠나버립니다.
모든 동물의 친구 애니가 가만히 있을리 없죠.
잭은 wild horse는 다루기 힘들어서 책을 보고 연구하려던 찰나.. 이미 애니는 타고 있네요
하지만 갑자기 나타난 누군가가 총을 겨누게 되고.. 잭과 애니는 두손 번쩍 들게됩니다.
과연 잭과 애니는 어떻게 될까요?
Outside, the sad ( tune ) played on. - 곡
** tuna: 참치
She crept toward a building that had a sign with the word HOTEL on it.
* creep: 살금살금 움직이다(creep-crept-crept)
** creek: 개울, 시내
** creepy: 으시시한(=spooky)
** creep: 살금살금 움직이다
** creak: 삐걱거리다
살금살금 걸어볼까요? ^^v
** 03권: The cat started to ( slink ) away. -살금살금 움직이다.
** 02권: She ( tiptoe )d away as quietly as a mouse. - 발끝으로 살금살금 걷다.(tiptoe)
비슷하게 생긴 단어
** 23권: He was totally ( swept ) up in the howl of the wind. - 거칠게 휩쓸고 가다(sweep-swept-swept)
** 06권: It's filled with big bugs and spiders. "It's ( creepy ) ," said Annie. 으스스한
Jack ( limp )ed after her. - 절름거리다.
Annie slowly pushed open a ( swing )ing door. - 흔들리다.
swing과 비슷하게 생긴 단어
** 24권: he saw the tall buildings ( sway )ing against the sky! - 좌우로 흔들리다.
비슷한 뜻
** 01권: And ( dangling ) two tiny arms. - 달랑거리다.(dangle)
"There's no such thing as a ghost."
* 유령같은건 없어
** there's no such thing as a free lunch
*** 공짜의 점심은 없다.
He saw two ( barrel )s outside the hotel. - 통
** 20권 : a hores-drawn wagon was ( barrel )ing into the camp . - 쏜살같이 달리다.
Jack climbed inside one and tried to ( scrunch down ). - 웅크리다(scrunch down)
scrunch와 비슷하게 생긴 단어
** 26권: They ( munch )ed twigs and branches and pieces of bark and bamboo. - 아삭아삭 먹다
Just in time - 때마침
Jack heard the horses ( come to a halt ). - 정지하다
They stamped and snorted.
* stamp: 짓밟다.
* snort: 코를 킁킁거리다.
stamp와 비슷하게 생긴 단어
** 07권: The mammoth roared and ( stomp )ed the ground. - 발을 세게 구르단
** 01권: The Anatosauruses might ( stampede ). - 놀라서 달아나다.
He ( pinch )ed his nose. - 꼬집다.
"Yup, it gives me the ( shiver )s," said another. - 오싹한 느낌
He let out a ( choke )d "Ah-choo!" - 숨이 막히다
비슷하게 생긴단어
** 01권: She ( strok )ed his neck. - 쓰다듬다
"Yup. She wants her ( colt )," another said. - 수망아지
"We'll sell her when we cross the ( border )." - 국경
He knew Annie must be ( upset ), too. - 당황한
The ground rang from the pounding of hooves as they ( galloped off ). - 전속력으로 달리다.
** 20권 : a hores-drawn wagon was ( barrel )ing into the camp . - 쏜살같이 달리다.
All was quiet again, except for the ( lazy ) buzzing of flies. - 여유로운
"They were ( mean ) to that horse," Annie said in a low, angry voice. - (형용사)심술궂은
** 01권: "So that ( mean )s ..." said Jack. - 의미하다
He had the same black ( mane ) and white star above his eyes. - 갈기
He looked very lost.
* look lost: 불안해 보인다.
He found a chapter ( title )d "Horses of the Wild West." - 제목[표제]을 붙이다
title과 비슷하게 생긴 단어
** 01권: The creature ( tilt )ed his head. - (고개를) 갸우뚱하다
At the end of the 1800s, over a million wild horses, called mustangs, wandered the West.
* mustang: 야생마
* wander: 떠돌다
** 07권: "Hey, I ( wonder ) where this goes," said Annie. - 궁금하다
** 08권: The universe is filled with ( wonder )s. - 불가사의, 경이(로운 것)
** 24권: ( No wonder ) we feel shaky - 어쩐지, 그러니
These tough, fast horses were descendants of runaway Spanish horses.
* descendant: 자손
* runaway: 달아난
Mustang herders captured them and sold them to ranchers.
* herder: 목축업자
* capture: 붙잡다
* sold: 팔다
* rancher: 목장주
** 19권: Saba had joined the rest of the ( herd ). - (함께 살고 함께 먹이를 먹는 동종 짐승의) 떼
*** rest: 나머지
( Break )ing a wild mustang took great skill. - (동물) 을 길들이다.
* 길들여지는게 스스로 하는게 아니라 누군가에 의해서 되는거라 과거분사 broken가 되야될듯한데.. 현재분사가 쓰였네요. 뜻이 이게 아닌건가 @.@
Two of them even looked like the beautiful mare and her colt.
* mare: 암말, 암당나귀
* colt: 수망아지
Annie was trying to get close to the young mustang, but he kept ( darting away ). - 도망가다(dart away=run away)
( Still ) talking to him, she led him to a broad wooden post. - 그럼에도 불구하고
* post: 기둥
** even if: ~ 임에도 불구하고(동의어: with all, though, although, in spite of, despite, even though)
a soft hand, a firm voice, a sunny attitude, praise, and reward.
* firm: 견고한
* sunny: 밝은
* attitude: 자세
The mustang ( whinnied ) and pawed the ground. - 조용히 울다(whinny)
Annie kept ( pat )ting his neck and talking softly. - 쓰다듬다
** 01권: She ( stroke )d his neck. - 쓰다듬다
** 21권: He's suffering from ( heat stroke ). - 열사병
The mustang whinnied and ( paw )ed the ground. - (동물이) 앞발로 긁다.
** 01권: His long ( jaw )s were opening and closing. Like a giant pair of scissors. - 턱(=chin)
He snorted and tossed his head.
* snort: 코를 킁킁거리다.
* toss: 갑자기 쳐들다
The ( bond ) between a mare and her young is very strong. - 연분(서로 관계를 맺게 되는 인연)
A mustang cannot bear to wander alone.
* bear: 참다, 견디다
* wander: 떠돌다
He huffed and puffed and pulled.
* huff and puff: 헉헉거리다
Jack let go of his boot.
* let go of A: A를 손에서 놓다.
A cowboy rode out of an ( alley ). - 뒷골목
His face was bony and tanned.
* bony: 여윈
** 01권: The creature had ad ( bony ) crest on top of his head. - 뼈가 들어난
* tan: (피부가 갈색으로) 햇볕에 타다[그을리다];(태닝한다고 하죠 ^^)
"I ( reckon ) you're the smallest horse thieves I've ever come across," he said. - 간주하다(=consider)
Magic Tree House #10 (Ghost Town at Sundown) - 5 ~ 6 Chapter
잭과 애니는 자신들이 가축도둑이 아니란 사실을 얘기하고
그 가축도둑들이 언덕 저 넘어에있다고 합니다.
그리고 카우보이는 닉네임을 하나씩 가지고 있는..
그는 자신을 슬림으로 소개했네요.
그리고 애니에게는 스마일리.. 잭한텐 숏티라고 이름지어줬습니다.
잭은 사진이 숏티라는게 무척불만이였지만.. 어쩔 도리가 없었에요.
이제 슬림의 무스탕을 찾으러 가려고 계획을 세우는 중에
잭은 수 많은 질문을 하고 싶었지만, 타이밍을 잡지 못했어요
그리고 결국 .. 슬림의 작전대로 성공을 거두게 됩니다.
"We're not horse ( thieves )!" said Annie. - 도둑(=thief)
"Yup, must be the ( rustler )s that stole my last five mustangs," the cowboy said. - 가축도둑
** 06권: "There!" said Jack. He pointed to leaves ( rustling ) on the ground. - 바스락 거리다(rustle); 가축을 도둑질
* steal: 훔치다(steal-stole-stolen)
"I'm a mustang ( herder )," the cowboy said. - * herder: (가축) 지키는 사람
They rode through town.
* ride through A: 말을[자전거를] 타고 A를 지나가다(ride-rode-ridden)
** 08권: "There aren't any ( road )s on the moon, or stoplights, or policemen either." - 길, 도로
"We're ( taking ) him to his mother." - 데리고 가다
The cowboy ( put away ) his six-shooter. - 넣다.
"Well, you're pretty brave to try and ( rescue ) him, Smiley," he said. - 구조하다
The ( bond ) between a mare and her young is very strong. - 연분(서로 관계를 맺게 되는 인연)
"Every ( cowpoke )'s got to have a nickname," said the cowboy. - 카우보이
Jack agreed. Slim was slim. And Dusty was dusty.
* slim: 날씬한
** 01권: Jack ( slam )med the book shut. - 쾅닫다
"How did you two brave, smart young'uns ( end up ) in Rattlesnake Flats?" - 결국 (어떤 처지에) 처하게 되다
"Hmm, must be over ( yonder )," said Slim. - 더 먼
"How did you two brave, smart ( young'un )s end up in Rattlesnake Flats?" - (구어) young one
"Well … " Slim scratched his ( chin ). - 턱
** jaw와 paw
** 10권: The mustang whinnied and ( paw )ed the ground. - (동물이) 앞발로 긁다.
** 01권: His long ( jaw )s were opening and closing. Like a giant pair of scissors. - 턱
Smiley, but you seem to have a ( knack ) with horses," said Slim. - 익숙한 솜씨
"Put your foot in the ( stirrup ), Shorty. - 등자쇠
He saw the horses gathered in a dark ( clump ). - 수풀
"I think the ( rest ) of the herd are loose." - 나머지
"Once the mare's loose, she'll ( break for ) Sunset," said Slim. - ~ 쪽으로 돌진하다
How do you keep a horse quiet? ( wonder )ed Jack. - 궁금하다.
** 10권: At the end of the 1800s, over a million wild horses, called mustangs, ( wander )ed the West. - 떠돌다
"Okay, ( pardner )s," said Slim. - 파트너(=partner)
Fun? thought Jack. Is she nuts? Our lives are at stake.
* be at stake: 위험에 처하다
They were mean voices, followed by mean laughter.
* mean: 나쁜, 사악한
A chill went through Jack. - 잭의 등골이 오싹해졌다.
He ( pat )ted Dusty softly. - 쓰다듬다(=stroke)
a sunny attitude - 명량한 태도
Just then a loud ( whinny ) came from the herd of mustangs. - 말의 울음 소리
He ( clutch )ed the reins in one hand and the saddle horn in the other. - 움켜쥐다.
Dusty cleared the rise in an ( awkward ) leap. - 이상한
Their horses gave ( high-pitch )ed neighs. - 고음의
** 03권: It was ( pitch ) dark. - 칠흑같이 어두운
비슷하게 생긴 patch의 다양한 뜻
** 07권: He moved through ( patch )es of sunlight and shadow. - (특히 주변과는 다른 조그만) 부분
** 04권: He had a shaggy black beard. A ( patch ) covered one eye. - (눈에 대는) 안대
** Follow the instructions below to download and install the ( patch ). - 이 패치를 다운로드 받아 설치하려면 아래 지시대로 따라 하시오.
** 패치(프로그램 수정, 정정용의 작은 프로그램) 게임에서 주로 사용되는 단어죠
Magic Tree House #10 (Ghost Town at Sundown) - 7 ~ 8 Chapter
결국.. 슬림이 모건할머니의 수수께끼의 답을 메아리라고 알려주네요 ^^
Finally Dusty caught up with the herd as they began to slow down.
* catch up with: ~ 를 따라잡다.(이런 동사를 군동사라고 한다네요)
군동사란? 여러 단어가 뭉쳐져 특유의 새로운 의미를 지니는 동사를 말합니다.
보통 매트하에선 let go of 같은 녀석이겠죠 ^^
"Thanks," said Jack, smiling. He ( even ) liked being called "Shorty" now. - ~ 도
"This way!" said Slim. He ( slap )ped his horse and they all speeded up again. - 때리다.
Soon he led them through a deep, ( narrow ) pass. - 좁은
Finally they came to a boxy open space surrounded by walls of rock and lit by moonlight.
* boxy: 박스모양의
* space: 공간
* surround: 둘러싸다
"We'll ( corral ) the mustangs here in Blue Canyon," Slim said. - 울타리 안으로 몰아 넣다.
He got off his horse. He helped Jack down. Annie slipped off Sunset.
* get off: 내리다(=slip off)
In the moonlight, the two mustangs ( rub )bed against one another and neighed. - 문지르다
"Take those over to that ( grassy spot ). - 풀이 우거진 장소
His legs were sore and wobbly.
* sore: 아픈
* wobbly: 불안정한, 흔들리는
"He's a ghost of a cowboy who ( wander )s the prairie." - 거닐다
"It's Lonesome Luke," said Slim.
* lonesome: 외로운
Luke went ( loco ). Every night he'd show up at the hotel and play the piano. - 미친
"It's ( hard ) as a rock," Slim said. - 단단한
"And bitter as ( muddy ) river water. But a cowboy takes what he can get." - 탁한
** mud: 진흙
Jack took a bite and a ( sip ). - 한 모금
They looked at the ( grazing ) wild horse. - 풀을 뜯어 먹다.(graze)
** gaze at: 응시하다
I could ( settle ) in Laramie and write there. - 정착하다
The mustangs pranced playfully, their coats shining in the hazy light.
* prance: (말이) 껑충껑충 뛰다
* coat: (동물의)털; 코트
* hazy: 흐릿한
Slim ( cup )ped his hands around his mouth. - (손가락을) 오무리다
Magic Tree House #10 (Ghost Town at Sundown) - 9 ~ 10 Chapter
슬림과 헤어진 잭과 애니는
다시 한번 피아노 노래를 듣게 되고, 잭과 애니가 읽었던 책이 슬림인걸 알게 되며 마무리가 됩니다.
(처음 매트하를 볼때 이 부분에서 소름이 돋은 기억이 ^^)
한주간 고생 많으셨습니다~
The sun was low in the sky when they ( reach )ed Rattlesnake Flats. - ~에 이르다
** Jack reached into his backpack and pulled out a pencil and a notebook.
*** reach into A: A에 손을 가져간다.
*** pull out A: A를 꺼내다.
In front of the hotel, Slim got down from Dusty.
* in front of A: A의 앞에
* get down from A: A으로 부터 내리다
"Your great ( courage ) is nothing to smile about." - 용기
* be nothing to smile about: 웃을만한게 아니다.
Then he snapped his reins, and Dusty loped down the street.
* snap: 때리다
* rein: 고삐
* lope: (말이) 성큼성큼 뛰다.
"I'm ( grateful ) to you both for steering me straight," said Slim. - 고마워하는
* steer: 이끌다
* straight: 똑바로
"A cowboy never goes back on his word," said Slim.
* go back on one's word: 약속을 어기진 않는다.
"So long, ( pardner )s!" he called. - (美 비격식 비표준) (격식을 갖추지 않는 말, 글에서) partner(=partner)
He wiggled his toes.
* wiggle: (좌우,상하로 짧게) 씰룩씰룩[꼼지락꼼지락/꿈틀꿈틀] 움직이다
** 25권: It was crammed with fancy gowns, purple and blue capes, gold and silver ( wig )s, stacks of hats, and masks. - 가발
* toe: 발가락
** tiptoe: 발끝으로 살금살금 걷다
Cold air ( waft )ed past Jack and Annie. - (부드럽게) 퍼지다.
"Slim ( dedicate )d his book to us," he said. - 바치다