
  • [단어장]Magic Tree House #16 (Hour of the Olympics)
    영어단어장/매직트리하우스 2014. 9. 26. 11:20
    During: 2014.09.18(Thu) ~ 2014.09.24(Wed)
    Magic Tree House #16 (Hour of the Olympics) - 1 ~ 2 Chapter
    아...저에게..매트하 시즌1 드디어 마지막 책이 시작되었습니다! 감회가 새롭네요^^

    고대 그리스에 간다는 사실에 잭은 시간을 낭비하지 않기 위해 옷을 입고 잤네요.

    고대 그리스에 도착하지만, 대부분 남자들만 돌아다니고 있습니다.
    공연장에서도 여자처럼 보인 희극인이 있었으나 자세히 살펴보니 남자였네요.
    그리스 법으로 모든 활동은 남자만 한다고 써있는걸 발견하게되고
    애니가 살짝 화가 난듯 보입니다.

    그리고 한 남자 인사를 건내는데 애니가 누구냐고 묻네요
    아마 이 남자는 거리에 여자가 돌아다니는 것을 궁금해했었나봅니다.(3장)

    사실 연극관련되서는 매트하 25권에 자세히 나오기 때문에 그때 살펴보세요~^^

    The thick woods were ( pitch-black ). - 칠흑같이 어두운

    "You've had three very hard ( journey )s as Master Librarians." - 여행

    She ( covered her eyes ) when the light hit her face.
    * cover one's eyes: 눈을 가리다.

    Jack heard a ( rustling ) sound. - 바스락 소리나는
    ** 10권: "Yup, must be the ( rustler )s that stole my last five mustangs," the cowboy said. - 가축도둑

    Warm sunshine ( streamed into ) the tree house. - ~에 비치다

    비슷한 표현들
    ** 11권: Bright light ( flood )ed the tree house again. - (빛, 색채가) (갑자기) 가득 들어오다[채우다]
    ** 21권: ( Glaring ) sunlight filled the tree house. "It's really hot here," said Jack. -  (불쾌하게) 환하다[눈부시다]
    *** glare at: 노려보다, 응시하다(=stare at, gaze at, scowl at, glower at)

    Beyond the field were red-brick buildings with columns and huge ( crowds of people ).
    * a crowd of: 많은

    the town where the festival of athletic games ( took place ). - 개최하다(take place=hold)
    * athletic: 운동경기의

    He wore a long cape. A helmet with a red crest hid his face.
    * cape: 망토
    ** 15권: She wore a black ( cloak ). - 소매없는 외투(망토)
    * crest: (투구의) 깃털 장식
    ** 01권: He had a long, weird ( crest ) on the back of his head. A skinny beak. And huge bat-like wings! - (닭의) 벼슬, (동물, 새의) 관모

    Many English words for the theater come from Greek words, such as drama, scenery, and chorus.
    * theater: 공연장, 극장
    * such as: 예를들면
    * scenery: 무대장치
    * chorus: 합창(코러스)

    Many Greek plays are still performed today.
    * still: 아직도
    * performe: 공연하다

    "I think they're doing a ( play )," said Jack. - 연극

    Women were not ( allow )ed to act, so men played the female roles, too. - 허락하다

    "That's not ( fair )," said Annie. - 공정한; 박람회

    He ( nudge )d Annie to move along. - 팔꿈치로 쿡 찌르다

    A man with a short white ( beard ) was walking toward them. - (턱)수염
    * 02권: And one with a very long ( mustache ) held on to Annie. - 콧수염

    "Who are you?" Annie asked ( boldly ). - 대담하게

    Magic Tree House #16 (Hour of the Olympics) - 3 ~ 4 Chapter
    잭과 애니는 플라톤을 만나게되어 자신이 ML이라는것을 알리게 됩니다.
    그리고 찾던 책에 관해 여쭤보게 되고, 그 책의 저자를 만나러 갑니다.

    고대 그리스는 대부분 남자만 모든 활동을 하기 때문에
    여자는 집안일만 하게 되었다고 책에 써있네요.
    여기서 애니가 엄청 불만이 많습니다~~

    그래서 잭과 애니가 구하러간 책도 여자가 썼지만, 누군지 알 수 없도록
    어나니머스라는 말을 쓰게 되었네요.

    그리고 올림픽을 보러가는데요. 이 곳 역시.. 여자들은 관람할 수 없다고 하네요.
    애니는 더더욱 열받았지만, 잭에게 다녀오라고 하네요.
    잭이 올림픽을 보러간 사이 애니는 무엇을 하게 될까요?

    The ( bearded ) man smiled at Annie. - 수염이 있는
    ** 02권: And one with a very long ( mustache ) held on to Annie. - 콧수염

    "I am a ( philosopher )." - 철학자
    "A lover of ( wisdom  )," said Plato. - 지혜

    It was ( crowd )ed with people heading to the games. - (어떤장소를)가득 메우다
    ** 16권: Beyond the field were red-brick buildings with columns and huge ( crowds of people ).
    *** a crowd of: 많은

    Women spent most of their time ( spinning ) and weaving and taking care of the kitchen.  - 방적, 실짓기

    ** 14권: She pointed to an open porch where a young woman was weaving cloth on a ( loom ). - 베틀
    ** 03권: Dark shadows ( loome )ed. 어렴풋이 나타나다

    But she will ( get in trouble ) if it is read in our land. - 곤란에 부딪치다.

    "You can tell people it was written by ( Anonymous )." - 무명의

    "Girls can't write stories," ( grumble )d Annie. - 투덜거리다.

    ** 03권: A deep sound ( rumble )d in the distance. And all the torches went out. - 우르릉 거리는 소리를 내다.
    ** 01권: They scrambled up. Seconds later they ( tumble )d into the tree house. - 굴러 떨어지다.

    ** 03권:  Jack and Annie ( stumble )d through the darkness.- 비틀거리다.
    ** 14권: He didn't want to ( stumble ) upon a dead body. - 우연히 발견하다

    My country is a ( democracy ). - 민주주의(<-> communism: 공산주의)

    Magic Tree House #16 (Hour of the Olympics) - 5 ~ 6 Chapter
    잭은 고대 올림픽 경기가 열리는 것을 직접 보게 되는 것에 대해 흥분을 감출 수 없었습니다.
    그리고 경기장으로 가기전에 여기저기 둘러보다가 신의 대빵 제우스의 조각상을 만나게 됩니다.
    밖에서 들려오는 환호성 소리.. 경기가 시작되었네요.

    플라톤이 좋은 자리가 있다고 안내하며  사람들 사이를 비집고 지나갑니다.
    그리고 군인을 발견하게 되는데요. 거기에 제일 작은 꼬마아이로 보는 사람이 보입니다.
    그 사람이 바로 애니였네요!!

    여자는 올림픽 경기를 구경할 수 없는데. 애니는 과연 어떻게 될까요?

    "the day of the ( chariot ) races." - (고대의 전투나 경주용) 마차
    * race: 경주; 인종, 인류
    ** the Korean race: 한민족

    "That is the ( gymnasium )," he said. - 체육관, 실내 경기장

    They practice running and throwing the ( javelin and discus ).
    * javalin: 창
    * discus: 원반

    ** 13권: The forum was the main place where people met to sell goods and ( discuss ) politics. - 토론하다

    He tucked his notebook under his arm.
    * tuck A into B: A를 B에 끼워넣다.

    "The olive tree is our ( sacred ) tree," he said. - 성스러운, 종교적인

    He took Jack to a brick building with huge columns.
    * brick: 벽돌
    * column: 기둥

    In front of them loomed the biggest statue he had ever seen.
    * loom: (거대한 모습이) 나타나다
    ** 14권: She pointed to an open porch where a young woman was weaving cloth on a ( loom ). - 베틀
    ** 06권: Only a few rays of light slanted through the ( gloom ). - 어둠
    ** 03권: Dark shadows ( loome )ed. 어렴풋이 나타나다.
    * statue: 조각상

    "The Olympic Games are played in his honor. He is the chief god of the Greek gods and goddesses."
    * honor: 영예, 명예
    ** 16권: Jack stared in ( horror ) at Annie. - 공포
    * chief: 우두머리

    They ( swore ) to Zeus that they had trained for ten months. - 맹세하다(swear-swore-sworn)

    The statue of the ( mighty ) Greek god stared down at Jack. - 강력한

    Behind them ( march )ed the Olympic athletes—the best in all of Greece. - 행진하다.
    ** 22권: He led his men on a nine-mile ( march ) to a British post. - 국경

    ** 14권: "Here!" he said. He had found the one that ( match )ed. - 조화되다.

    "Behind them are the ( wrestler )s," said Plato. - 레스링 선수
    * wr로 시작하는 단어는 w가 묵음입니다.
    ** 16권: "Girls can't ( write ) stories," grumbled Annie. - w 묵음: 롸잇
    ** 28권: They were all barefoot and wore ( wreath )s of flowers around their necks. - 화환(w 묵음: 리쓰)
    ** 19권: Her skin was rough and ( wrinkle )d. - (얼굴에) 주름이 지다(w 묵음: 링클)

    *** 03권: Her long white dress and many tiny ( pleat )s - (옷에있는) 주름
    *** 03권: Gold ( plate )s. Painted cups. Jeweled goblets. Woven baskets. - 접시

    Magic Tree House #16 (Hour of the Olympics) - 7 ~ 8 Chapter

    몰래 경기장에 들어온 애니는 체포될뻔하다가 잭과 함께 도망칩니다.
    그리고 멀리서 나타나는 거대한 하얀말.. 페가수수? ^^;;

    A girl will get in terrible trouble if she tries to ( attend ) the Olympic Games. - 참석하다
    ** append: 덧붙이다.

    Jack ( glance )d back at Annie. - 흘낏 보다.

    A few people began staring at the strange small soldier with the ( high-pitched ) voice. - 높은 음
    ** 16권: The thick woods were ( pitch-black ). - 칠흑같이 어두운

    He shoved his notebook into his bag.
    * shove A into B: A를 B에 아무렇게나 넣다.

    "Have a safe ( journey )," said Plato. - 여행, 여정

    Her ( pigtail )s flew up and down as she jumped and shouted, "Go! Go! Go!" - 땋은머리
    ** 27권: His black hair was ( braid )ed and had a feather in it. - (머리를) 땋다

    too+형용사+to-v: 너무 형용사해서 v할 수 없다.
    Annie was too busy cheering to notice anything.

    "Let go of me!" she shouted.
    * let go of A: A를 손에서 놓다.

    But Jack's voice was again lost in the roar of the race as the four-horse chariots ( barrel )ed through the dust. - 쏜살같이 달리다.
    ** 10권: He saw two ( barrel )s outside the hotel. - 통

    All heads turned to watch as a huge white horse ( gallop )ed out of the dust.
    ** walk(평보/터덜터덜 걷기)
    ** trot(속보/조금 빠르게 탁탁)
    ** canter(속보/ 점프하듯 성큼성큼)
    ** gallop(습보/전속력 질주 타가닥타가닥)

    Magic Tree House #16 (Hour of the Olympics) - 9 ~ 10 Chapter
    페가수수의 도움 덕분에 잭과 애니는 무사히 탈출할 수 있었고 집에 돌아올 수 있었습니다.
    그리고 모건 할머니께서 설명해주는 4가지 별자리 이야기...
    앞으로 잭과 애니에겐 어떤 모험이 펼쳐질까요?^^

    그간 감사합니다. ^^
    남은 28권까지도 화이팅하세요!!

    The horse reared and ( paw )ed the air. - 발로 긁다.
    ** 06권: The crocodile opened and closed its huge, long ( jaws ).* (동물의) 턱(=chin)

    He squeezed them shut and ( crouch )ed down in the chariot. - 쭈그리고 앉다

    But it didn't ( matter ). - 중요하다

    The white horse was in charge.

    He felt sand blowing in his face and the hard bumping and ( rattling ) of the chariot. - 떨리다, 덜컹거리다(rattle)
    ** 01권: The leaves ( tremble )d. - 떨리다
    ** 26권: Jack ( stumble )d back through the brush until he came to a thick wall of plants. - 발이 걸리다.
    ** 02권: She push the door open. The two of them ( stumbled ) into a dark, cold room. - 우연히 발견하다.

    The white horse had grown giant ( feathery ) wings and was pulling their chariot into the sky. - 솜털같은

    Below, the Olympic crowd watched in ( stunned silence ). - 깜짝놀라서 말을 못하는 것

    Finally, the winged horse ( coast )ed to the ground near the olive grove. - (동력을 쓰지 않고) 관성으로[저절로] 움직이다
    ** 24권: San Francisco was the biggest city on the west ( coast ) of the United States. -  해안;

    Jack's legs were so ( wobbly ) he could hardly walk. - 흔들리는(ly인데 형용사 주의!)

    Annie rushed to the horse and ( stroked ) his neck. - 쓰다듬다.(stroke-stroked-stroked)

    The horse ( snort )ed and pawed the ground. -  (말 등이) 코를 힝힝거리다.

    Annie ( sniffle )d but started walking.  - 코를 훌쩍이다.

    The horse had ( spread ) his great feathery wings. - 펼치다.

    "I did one fun thing," Annie said ( wistfully ). - 아쉬운듯이

    "He's the great white winged horse in Greek ( mythology )." - 신화

    "Hercules is a ( constellation )," said Morgan. - 별자리

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