
  • [단어장]Magic Tree House #15 (Viking Ships at Sunrise)
    영어단어장/매직트리하우스 2014. 9. 26. 11:20
    During: 2014.09.11(Thu) ~ 2014.09.17(Wed)
    Magic Tree House #15 (Viking Ships at Sunrise) - 1 ~ 2 Chapter
    영어를 잘몰랐을때 viking을 보고 비킹이라고 읽은 기억에 나네요 ^^;;

    이번엔 바이킹 시대로 떠납니다.
    잭과 애니는 도착하자마자 주위를 살펴보지만
    가파른 계단 옆에 매트하가 있고, 주위를 둘러봐도
    해안만 보일 뿐 아무것도 보이질 않습니다.
    계단을 따라 올라가면 무언가 찾을 수 있을까요?

    His ( clock ) read 5 A.M. All was quiet. - 시계
    ** She wore a black ( cloak ). - 소매없는 외투(망토)

    Morgan le Fay had told him that it was a very dangerous time, with Vikings ( raid )ing the coasts. - 침입하다

    "You awake?" came a ( whisper ). - 속삭이다
    ** 12권: The cubs ( whimper )ed louder. - 훌쩍훌쩍 울다.

    They walked silently over the ( dewy )  grass.  - 이슬에 젖은

    Mist ( clung to ) the trees as they walked through the dark woods. - ~에 달라붙다(cling-clung-clung)

    The rope ladder from the magic tree house ( dangle )d in front of them. - 흔들거리다.

    The mysterious writing reminded Jack of the writing from their trip to the Roman town of Pompeii.
    * remind A of B: A에게 B를 상기시키다.

    The light was still gray, but the air was ( even ) damper and colder than in Frog Creek. - (비교급을 강조하여) 훨씬

    "Wow, I'm in a long dress," said Annie. "It's ( scratchy ). - 따끔따금한

    He was wearing a shirt and ( trousers ), made of heavy wool. - 바지
    * be made of A : A 로 구성된

    There was a rocky shore ( twenty feet ) below.
    * 20피트: 약 6미터(1피트=30.48cm)

    Sea gulls ( swoop )ed and glided above the sea. - 급강하하다

    She pointed to ( steep ) steps cut into the cliff. - 가파른
    * cliff: 절벽
    ** 02권: This door leads from the storeroom through a secret passage to a ( precipice ) over the moat. - 낭떠러지

    "I tripped on my ( darn ) dress!" - 젠장맞을

    "I'll use it first. ( Once ) I'm at the top, you can come after me." - 일단 ~ 하면

    Magic Tree House #15 (Viking Ships at Sunrise) - 3 ~ 4 Chapter

    여행을 다녀오다보니 한번에 정리하는게 귀찮네요 ㅜ.ㅜ..
    계단 끝에 오르자 침입자로 의심받지만, ML 카드를 꺼내게 됩니다.
    그리고 여기에 온 이유는 배를 타고 왔다고 거짓말을 하게 되네요.
    그리고 결국 잭과 애니가 찾던 책을 발견하게 됩니다!

    He was bald, except for a ( fringe ) of hair around his head. - 가장자리

    How ( in the world ) did you get on this island?" - 도대체

    "Not many boats can come ( ashore ) at this dark, early hour."  - (부사)해안으로

    "But on our small island, we ( are careful of ) strangers." - ~ 를 조심하다.(be careful of)

    "The ( prow )s of their ships are often carved in the shape of a serpent's head," said Brother Patrick. - 뱃머리

    "When we see their ( serpent ) ships, we must hide or be taken as slaves." - 큰 뱀
    * slave: 노예

    "I am afraid it stands for their fierce, ( cold-blooded ) ways." - 냉혹한

    "I think you would like to visit our ( monastery )," he said. - 수도원

    Jack saw a lonely church ( steeple ) against the gray sky ahead. - 뾰족탑
    ** She pointed to ( steep ) steps cut into the cliff. - 가파른

    "Carrots, turnips, spinach, wheat, and beans."
    * turnip: 순무
    * spinach: 시금치
    * wheat: 밀

    "And that's where we ( spin ) our cloth. - (옷을) 짜다
    * spin: 회전하다.

    In here, we ( cobble ) our sandals. There we carve our wooden tools. - 신발을 만들다.

    ( Best of all ), some were writing and painting in books. - 무엇보다도 특히

    His ( wrinkle )d face broke into a smile. - 주름지다.

    ** 03권: Her long white dress and many tiny ( pleat )s - 주름
    ** 03권: Gold ( plate )s. Painted cups. Jeweled goblets. Woven baskets. - 접시

    "Welcome," said Brother Michael in a thin, ( shaky ) voice. - 떨리는

    Each was covered with fancy writing and ( delicate ) paintings in green, gold, and blue. - 섬세한

    "I write on sheepskin and use goose ( quill ) pens," said Brother Michael. - 깃

    Magic Tree House #15 (Viking Ships at Sunrise) - 5 ~ 6 Chapter

    잭과 애니가 찾은 책은 아직 완성되지 않아서 가져갈 수 없다고 합니다.
    다음에 다시 오라고 하는데, 잭과 애니는 매직트리하우스의 작동원리를 그들에게 설명하기엔 너무 어렵네요.
    그리고 이제 해가 떠오를 시간! monks 들은 이제 기도를 드려야 되는데 잭은 책을 얻을 수 없게 되자
    기도 대신 집으로 돌아간다고 합니다.
    그리고 내려가는 가파른 계단..
    갑자기 새들이 기분 나쁘게 울기 시작하며, 수평선 너머로 뱃머리가 보입니다.
    뱀처럼 생긴 뱃머리를 보는 순간 바이킹을 직감하게 되는데요.
    잭과 애니는 서둘러 이 사실을 수도승들에게 전하러 다시 급히 올라가게 됩니다.
    그리고 수도승은 잭과 애니가 찾던 책을 건내고 작별 인사를 하게 됩니다.

    But ( alas ), Brother Michael has not yet completed his work. - 아아(슬픔, 유감을 나타내는 소리)

    too+형용사+to-v: 너무 형용사해서 v할 수 없다.

    It was ( too hard to explain ) about the tree house and how the magic worked.

    Jack ( shrug )ged. - 어깨를 움츠리다.
    * shrug: http://cliffordgarstang.com/?attachment_id=3709

    "It is such sights as this that ( inspire ) our bookmaking," he said.  - 영감을 주다.
    * such: 그런

    "Now go, and ( may ) God be with you on your voyage home." - (바람, 소망을 나타내어) …이기를 (빌다)

    ( Clutch )ing the rope, she started down the steps. - 움켜쥐다.

    Jack reached the rocky ( ledge ) and let go of the rope. - 바위 턱
    * let go of A: A를 손에서 놓다.

    Jack looked at the ( horizon ) one last time. - 지평선

    "To ( warn ) the monks!" Jack said. - 경고하다

    She ( scrambled out of ) the tree house. - 급히 이동하다.

    Jack didn't ( even ) use the rope. - ~ 조차
    ** 15권: The light was still gray, but the air was ( even ) damper and colder than in Frog Creek. - (비교급을 강조하여) 훨씬

    The fog ( blanket )ed the whole island. - ~을 온통 덮다
    ** 21권: The soldier lay down on a pile of ( blanket )s and closed his eyes. - 이불, 담요

    "( Make haste )!" he said to the other monks. - 빨리 서둘러!

    He ( hobble )d over to them, holding out his book of Irish tales. - 절뚝거리며 걷다.
    ** 03권:  Jack and Annie ( stumble )d through the darkness.- 비틀거리다.
    ** 14권: He didn't want to ( stumble ) upon a dead body. - 우연히 발견하다

    ** 01권: They scrambled up. Seconds later they ( tumble )d into the tree house. - 굴러 떨어지다.
    ** 03권: A deep sound ( rumble )d in the distance. And all the torches went out. - 우르릉 거리는 소리를 내다.
    ** 16권: "Girls can't write stories," ( grumble )d Annie. - 불평하다.

    Magic Tree House #15 (Viking Ships at Sunrise) - 7 ~ 8 Chapter
    수도승이 알려준 길을 따라 잭과 애니는 걸어가게 됩니다.
    짙은 안개사이로 한치 앞도 안보이는 동안 애니의 긴 드레스가 한번 말썽을 피웠네요.
    그리고 어느새 도착한 해안..
    바이킹의 배가 보입니다. 그리고 안개사이로 바이킹을 발견하게 되고
    애니의 아이디어로 바이킹을 피하기 위해 배안으로 숨게 됩니다.
    그리고 풀려버리는 로프... 배는 망망대해로 떠내려가 가게 됩니다.

    바다로 떠내려가지만.. 이런 위기 상황마다 애니는 더욱? 용감해지기 시작합니다.
    무거운 노를 가져오질 않나.. 헬맷을 쓰자고 하질 않나 등등..
    02권에서도 3명한테 붙잡혔을 때 후래쉬를 매직 지팡이로 속이는 기지를 발휘하기도 했었죠.

    그리고 마치 바이킹이 되어 노를 사용하려던 순간 해류에 휩슬려 저멀리 사라지게 됩니다.
    영화의 한장면처럼.. 갑자기 몰려오는 폭풍우..

    한번 더 폼페이에서 처럼 구해달라고 외치는 순간
    큰 파도와 함께.. 거대한 뱀한마리가 나타나게 되는데요.
    잭과 애니는 과연 어떻게 될까요?

    At the rocks, the sea gulls still ( screech )ed. - 소리를 지르다.
    * gull: 갈매기

    Jack could ( barely ) see the steep path leading down into the fog. - (부정)거의 ~ 않다
    * steep: 가파른
    ** steeple: 뾰족탑

    She slipped and fell forward, ( bumping into ) Jack. - ~와 우연히 만나다.(bump into A)

    ** 14권: He didn't want to ( stumble ) upon a dead body. - 우연히 발견하다
    ** 03권:  Jack and Annie ( stumble )d through the darkness.- 비틀거리다.

    "We've got to ( watch out ) for Vikings, too," he whispered. - 조심하다.

    Finally, they stepped down onto a flat strip of pebbles.
    * flat: 평평한
    * pebble: 자갈
    ** cobble: 자갈; 신발을 만들다.
    *** In here, we ( cobble ) our sandals. There we carve our wooden tools. - 신발을 만들다.

    Each ship had been tied to a tall ( jagged ) rock. - 들쭉날쭉한

    They seemed ( deserted ) as they bobbed in the shallow waves. - 사람이 없는(desert: 사막)
    * bob: 까닥 움직이다.
    * shallow: 얕은
    ** 25권: He tried to ( swallow ), but he couldn't. - 삼키다
    ** 01권: Jack heard another sound as well. A deep, ( bellow )ing sound. Like a tuba. - 고함치다.

    They ( crept ) away from the three Viking ships. - 살금살금 기어가다(creep-crept-crept)
    of, off, away의 차이점: http://blog.naver.com/enconcept?Redirect=Log&logNo=220002089199

    ** 24권: Then he grabbed his backpack and ( crept ) out into the hall. - 살금살금 걷다(creep-crept-crept)
    ** 03권: The cat started to ( slink ) away. -살금살금 움직이다.
    ** 04권: Then while all the pirates are digging, we'll ( sneak ) up to the tree house. - 살금살금 걷다.
    ** 02권: She ( tiptoe )d away as quietly as a mouse. - 발끝으로 살금살금 걷다.(tiptoe)

    Jack ( wade )d through the shallow water. - 헤치며 걷다.

    The ship ( jerk )ed forward. - 훽 움직이다.
    ** 02권: She ( yank )ed the book away from him. - 훽 잡아당기다.

    The ship's ( anchor )ing rope was pulled tight. - 닻을 내리다.

    Then the rope went ( slack ), and the Viking ship slid out to sea. - 느슨한

    When there was no wind, the crew would take down the sails and row with oars.
    * crew: 승무원, 팀(코캇텔에서 애니메이션크루라고 유명한 팝핀댄스를 선보였던 팀이 생각나네요 ^^)
    * oar: 노

    Jack ( groan )ed. Then he dragged an oar to the box across from Annie. - (고통, 짜증으로) 신음[끙 하는] 소리를 내다

    비슷한 뜻
    ** grunt: 툴툴거리다, 불평하다
    ** frown: 얼굴을 찡그리다.

    Annie pulled off her scarf and put a helmet on her head.
    * put A on B: A를 B에 쓰다[입다]

    The wind picked up as Jack lifted his heavy oar over the side of the ship.
    * pick up: 더 강해지다.
    * as: ~ 하는 동안(동시동작)

    But the current was so strong that the oar was ripped from his hands.
    * current: 해류; 현재의
    * rip:  (재빨리, 거칠게) 떼어[뜯어] 내다
    ** 노를 놓친게 잭이 스스로 놓친게 아니라 해류에 의해 놓쳤기 때문에 수동태가 쓰였네요.

    A ( gush ) of seawater poured over the side of the ship! - 분출
    * pour: 퍼붓다.

    Jack ( crawl )ed to the side of the ship and pulled himself up. - 기다

    Rising from the ( oncoming ) wave was a giant sea serpent! - 다가오는

    Magic Tree House #15 (Viking Ships at Sunrise) - 9 ~ 10 Chapter

    큰 뱀의 도움으로 잭과 애니는 무사히 해안으로 올 수 있었고
    그때 마침 바이킹이 잭과 애니를 발견하고, 잭과 애니쪽으로 오고 있었습니다.
    재빨리 매트하로 들어가자마자..
    너무도 급한 나머지 "IWISHWECOULDGOTHERE!" 라고 외치네요 ^^

    다음 여행은 고대 그리스로 떠납니다 ~^^

    The serpent's neck was as tall as a two-( story ) building. - 층

    Its green scales were covered with sea slime.
    * scale: 비늘
    * slime: 점액

    The ship ( swoosh )ed onto a sand bar near the shore. - 힘차게 움직이다.

    ** 03권: Jack felt a ( whoosh ) of cold air - 쉭 하는 소리
    ** 17권: With a ( hiss ) and rush of light, a rocket streaked into the sky. - 쉿; 쉿하는 소리를 내다

    Jack and Annie headed toward the ( rock )s. - 바위
    ** 24권: Another huge blast ( rock )ed the ground. - 흔들다

    "Oh, most ( definitely ), Vikings could be heroes, too," she said. - 명확히

    In fact, ( once ) the Vikings settled down, they became more than just a warrior people. - 일단 ~ 하면

    Jack was ( thrill )ed. He had always wanted to go to ancient Greece. - 감동시키다.

    "on this day filled with ( wonder )." - 놀라움

    What are we ( in for ) today? he wondered. - ~ 을 겪게 될(=facing).
    * wonder: 궁금하다.
    ** 10권: At the end of the 1800s, over a million wild horses, called mustangs, ( wander )ed the West. - 떠돌다

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