During: 2014.07.14(Mon) ~ 2014.07.18(Fri)
Magic Tree House #28 (High Tide in Hawaii) - 1 ~ 2 Chapter
이번 책은 1~2장부터 분량이 예사롭지 않네요~~ ㅎㅎ
잭과 애니 매트하 시즌1의 마지막!!
이번에는 하와이로 갑니다~^^
하와이는 화산으로 이루어졌고 연속된 섬이라고 하네요~!
멀리서 들려오는 음악소리
애니가 빠질리 없죠~!
잭은 수줍어하지만.. 결국 춤에 끼게 됩니다.
그리고 인사를 나누네요
Annie could always tell when it was back.
* could: [과거의 가능적 경향] …한 일도 있었다.
* tell: 알다(보통 tell은 말하다로만 알고 있었는데 매트하에선 알다로 많이 쓰이네요)
He ( picked up ) his backpack. - 집어들다
[pick up의 4가지 뜻 익혀보기]
집값의 (향상)을 위해 (정리정돈) 할 때는 (더 강하게) (집어)서 청소해볼까요? ^^v
Annie ( picked up ) the note lying on the floor. - to obtain or buy something
* 01권: The wind ( picked up ).- 더 강해지다.
* The market always ( picks up ) in the spring. - to become better; to improve
* All I seem to do is cook, wash and ( pick up ) after the kids. -정리정돈 하다
내가 하는 일이라곤 온통 밥하고 빨래하고 애들 뒤따라 다니면서 집 치우는 것뿐인 것 같다.
It was ( nearly ) dark inside. - 거의
** 07권: Animal skins were ( neatly ) stacked against the wall. - 가지런히
They saw the twig from the mountain gorillas and the pouch of corn seeds from the first Thanksgiving.
** 26권: They munched ( twig )s and branches and pieces of bark and bamboo. - (나무의) 잔가지
** 26권: "( Wiggle ) your arms and your legs," said Jack. - 흔들다.
** 25권: It was crammed with fancy gowns, purple and blue capes, gold and silver ( wig )s, stacks of hats, and masks. - 가발
** 26권: Ho-ho's mom made a bed of weed ( stalk )s for Ho-ho. - (식물의) 줄기
* limb: 나뭇가지
* trunk: 나무의 몸통
* twig: (나무의) 잔가지
A ( gentle ) wind brushed against his skin. - 조용한(=still)
** 05권: Jack got confused. Were they ( still ) going in the right direction? - 아직도
** 05권: Jack tried to be as ( still ) as the rock. - 정지한
** Then everything was ( still ). - 조용한
The tree house had landed on top of a tall palm tree.
* palm tree: 야자나무
** He began bashing the ground with his ( palm )s. - 손바닥
*** bash: 쎄게 때리다
The palm tree was at the edge of a flowery meadow.
* edge: 모서리
** 07권: Under a cliff was a wide ( ledge ). - 절벽에서 (선반처럼) 튀어나온 바위
** meadow: 목초지(=prairie, pasture)
On one side of the meadow, a ( cliff ) dropped down to the beach and ocean. - 벼랑
02권 잭과 애니가 몰랐던 단어! 낭떠러지 기억하시나요?
** 02권: This door leads from the storeroom through a secret passage to a ( precipice ) over the moat. - 낭떠러지
Waterfalls ( gush )ed down their sides. - 솟구치다
Hawaii is ( a chain of ) islands in the Pacific Ocean. - 연쇄, 연속
* the Pacific: 태평양
* the Indian Ocean: 인도양
* the Mediterranean Sea: 지중해
* the Black Sea: 흑해
The volcanoes erupted under the ocean. Over time, their craters rose above the water.
* volcanoe: 화산
* erupt: 분출하다
* crater: 분화구
The volcanic rock crumbled and turned to soil.
* rock: 돌
** 24권: Another huge blast ( rock )ed the ground. - 흔들다
* crumble: 부스러뜨리다
** 03권: A deep sound ( rumble )d in the distance. And all the torches went out. - 우르릉 거리는 소리를 내다
** 01권: The leaves ( tremble )d. - 떨리다(=rattle)
** 26권: Jack ( stumble )d back through the brush until he came to a thick wall of plants. - 발이 걸리다.
** 02권: She push the door open. The two of them ( stumbled ) into a dark, cold room. - 우연히 발견하다.
* soil: 흙
"We'll figure that out later," said Annie.
* figure A out: A를 생각해내다.
** 07권: "We're just about to ( find out )," said Jack. - (~에 대해) (~을) 알아내다[알게 되다]
Jack heard a ( whoop ) of laughter in the distance. - 와하는 함성
Everything was ( bath )ed in a golden red glow. - 목욕시키다
purple flowers shaped like bells, white flowers that looked like stars, tall, feathery ferns, green spiky plants, big orange-and-black butterflies, and tiny yellow birds.
* shape: (어떤) 모양[형태]으로 만들다[빚다]
* feathery: 깃으로 덮인
* fern: 양치류 식물(http://terms.naver.com/entry.nhn?docId=1643366&cid=3954&categoryId=3954)
* spiky: 날카로운
There were about fifty people, including ( grown-ups ), teenagers, and little kids. - 어른들
They were all barefoot and wore ( wreath )s of flowers around their necks. - 화환(w 묵음: 리쓰)
* th가 단어 끝에 오게되면 "쓰"인데.. 우리나라 말 "쓰"는 아니고요. 혓바닥 끝을 윗니 앞에(정면으로 봤을때 혀가 보여야함)올려서 데고 내는 소리이며 무성음입니다.
A woman was ( chant )ing. - 노래하다
Others shook gourds that sounded like ( baby rattle )s. - 애기 딸랑이
** 03권: The leaves ( rattle )d - 떨리다.
The early Hawaiians had no ( written language ). - 문자언어
The hula is a blend of dancing and chanting poetry.
* blend: 섞다
* poetry: 시
A girl caught sight of Jack.
* catch sight of A: A를 보다
He stared at the ground, ( clutch )ing his backpack and notebook until the music and dancing ended. - 움켜쥐다.
He pulled off his wreath of red ( fluffy ) flowers. -솜털모양의
He ( put ) it around Annie's neck. - (목 등이) 걸다
"( Aloha ), Jack and Annie!" everyone said. - 알로하(만나거나 헤어질 때 하는 하와이어 인사) 쿨의 아로하가 듣고 싶네요 ^^
Magic Tree House #28 (High Tide in Hawaii) - 3 ~ 4 Chapter
모든 것이 신기한 잭.. 음악은 다시 시작됩니다.
Kama와 Boka는 잭과 애니를 가장자리 빈터로 데리고 가서
poi를 건냅니다. 잭은 맛없다고 얘기하고 싶었으나 완곡어법으로 재미있다고 돌려말하게 됩니다. ㅋㅋㅋ
Kama와 Boka는 서로 키득거립니다.
Kama와 Boka는 Frog Creek에 관해 궁금해했고, 적당한 선에서 얘기해주게 됩니다.
그리고 하루밤 묵는다는 허락을 받고, 오두막에서 잠을 청합니다.
일어나자마자 밖에서 무언가 두드리는 소리가 납니다.
문으로 생긴 천을 거두고 밖으로 나
가자 Kama와 Boka는 곤봉(club)으로 나무껍질(bark)위에서 치고 있는데
이게 바로 옷을 만드는 방법이였군요
잭은 내심 배를 만드는건지 알고 기대했으나 아니였네요.
그리고 이제 서핑을 하러 가는데.. 가는 중간에 Kama와 Boka가 코코넛을 따서 서로 먹게 되고
아주 멋진 파란 하늘과 바다가 눈앞에 펼쳐지게 됩니다.
He pointed at the mountains ( loom )ing in the distance. - 거대한 모습을 나타내다
** 14권: She pointed to an open porch where a young woman was weaving cloth on a ( loom ). - 베틀
"It is poi," said Kama. - (하와이의) 토란 요리
She ( scoop )ed some poi out of the bowl and licked it off of her fingers. - 뜨다
** 02권: "I'm going to take a peek. A teeny peek," she said. And she ( scoot )ed down the ladder. - 재빨리가다
** 27권: Seagulls ( swoop )ed over the water. - 급강하하다
The ( gooey ) mixture felt like peanut butter. - 부드럽고 끈적끈적한
** 07권: In the hollow of each was ( gooey ) white stuff and a pile of moss. - 끈적끈적한
"Hmm," he said, but he ( made a face ). - (무엇이 마음에 안 들어서 또는 남을 웃기려고) 얼굴을 일그러뜨리다
"He doesn't like it," Kama said to Boka.
"No, no," said Jack. "It's … " He tried to think of something polite.… "It's very interesting."
여기서 잭이 하려고 했던게 바로 완곡어법이죠
완곡어법(euphemism) 이란? 남을 불쾌하게 만들만한 말이나 문장을 좀 부드럽게 돌려 말하는 것을 의미합니다.
예를들면 해고를 구조조정으로 얘기를 하는게 예가 될 수 있습니다.
완곡어법의 예
Die-> pass away 죽다
Fat-> big뚱뚱한
Short-> not so tall키작은
Kama and Boka ( giggle )d. - 키득거리다
They smiled ( even ) bigger smiles than before. - (비교급을 강조해서) 훨씬
They wove between small huts with steep roofs until Kama stopped in front of one.
* wove: 짜다, 엮다(weave-wove-woven)
* hut: 오두막
* steep: 언덕
* in front of A: A의 앞에
The warm wind ( rustle )d the palm leaves outside. - 바스락거리다; 가축을 도둑질
** 10권: "Yup, must be the ( rustler )s that stole my last five mustangs," the cowboy said. - 가축도둑
Surfing actually seemed ( pretty ) scary. - 매우(=very)
Kama seemed to hear his thoughts.
** thought: 생각(think의 과거)
** through: ~를 통해서(전치사)
** thorough: 빈틈없는(형용사)
*** drought: 가뭄
Soon Jack heard ( steady ) breathing. - 꾸준한
( Oh darn ) , we forgot to ask them about building a ship, he thought. - 내 정신좀 봐; 꿰메다(=sew)
Jack closed his eyes and yawned. Soon he, too, was fast asleep.
* yawn: 하품하다
* fast asleep: 깊이 잠들다
Only he and Annie were still in the ( hut ). - 오두막
** 02권: He waited till the boys and horse disappeared inside the ( stable ). - 마구간;(형용사) 안정된
Boka was pounding a wide strip of bark with a wooden club.
* strip: 벗기다(신도림 역앞에서 스트립쇼를....)(=peel)
* bark: 나무껍질
** 20권: A faint ( bark ) came from the distance. - 짖는 소리
* club: 곤봉; 클럽 ㅋㅋㅋ
Kama was using a stone to pound something that looked like a fat ( sweet potato ). - 고구마
Their parents were weaving grass mats.
* weave: 짜다, 엮다(weave-wove-woven)
* mat: 매트(다들 아시는거..) 5장에 닌자 마스터도 매트에 앉아있었죠
** 05권: In the flickering light, Jack saw a dark figure sitting on a woven mat.
"I'm making ( tapa )," said Boka. - 타파천 ((남태평양 제도에서 꾸지나무 껍질로 만든 종이 같은 천))
* tapa: http://natural-history.uoregon.edu/collections/web-galleries/tapa-cloth
I beat the bark of the ( mulberry tree ) into thin sheets. - 뽕나무
Then my father ( paste )s the sheets together to make cloth for us. - 붙이다(ctrl+c=>v 하시잖아요 ㅎㅎ)
She pointed at the ( squash )ed white vegetable. - 으깨다
** 03권: Her ( squash )ed nose. - 짓눌리다 (후테피 미라를 설명한 장면)
27권: "Would thou like to put some of my corn and ( squash ) in thy basket?" said Priscilla. - 호박
*** squash: 스쿼시(운동)
비슷한 단어 a 자리에 i로 바꾸면
He kept ( squish )ing the muddy sand with his toes. - 질척질척한
"This is the root of a ( taro ) plant," said Kama. - 토란
"We've finished our ( chore )s," said Kama. - 허드렛일
Then they found rocks and began to whack the hard shells.
* whack: 세게 때리다
* shell: 조개
** 21권: Cannon ( shell )s exploding," said Clara Barton. - 포탄
Jack ( peel )ed his and took a bite. - 벗기다(=strip)
The sky was the ( bluest blue ) Jack had ever seen. - 새파란
Only seashells and seaweed lay on the glistening white sand.
* seaweed: 해초
** shine, gleam, glow, sparkle, glisten, shimmer, glitter, twinkle, glint
아래 링크 하단을 참고하세요~!
Magic Tree House #28 (High Tide in Hawaii) - 5 ~ 6 Chapter
매트하에서 잭이 열받은건 처음봤네요~!
잭은 책쟁이라 책보고 서핑타는 것을 연습해보고 싶었으나..
가서 타보자는 말에 책을 두고 바다로 갑니다.
하지만 맘처럼 잘되진 않네요.
잭을 뺀 나머지 셋은 모두 파도타며 일어섯지만
잭도 한번 시도해보려다가 그만 넘어지고 맙니다.
맘이 상한 잭..
하지만 아직 화가난 줄 잘모르는 셋은 잭을 보고 웃어댑니다.
잭은 책을 보며 연구해보겠다고 하지만, 애니가 책을 뺏어버립니다.
그러자 다시 잭은 애니한테 책을 jerk 합니다.
그러면서 Boka한테 읽지도 못한다고 무시하게 되죠.
잭은 속으론 미안했지만, 너무 화나서 뭐라고 말도 못하고 아이고..
셋은 다시 파도타러갔고.. 잭은 책을 읽으려는 순간
갑자기 지진처럼 땅이 흔들립니다.
그리고 책에서 하와이에 큰 지진에 관련된 이야기를 알게 됩니다.
They had all walked over to a row of wooden surfboards ( propped against ) the rocks. - ~ 에 기대다(prop against)
* 04권 캐리비언에서 해적 모양 기를 그린다고 책을 모래위에 기대놨었죠.
** 04권: He propped the pirate book in the sand.
Boka picked out a long board and ( lug )ged it over to Jack. - 힘껏 끌다
** 23권: It was covered by a worn ( rug ). - 양탄자
** 22권(거지꼴을 하고 있는 ..)They wore ( rag )ged pants and coats. - 누더기가 되다
"First we need to get past the breaking waves," said Kama.
* get past ~ : ~를 지나가다
* breaking wave: 파도
Together they ( waded into ) the cool, shallow water. - (물 속으로) 들어가다
Jack ( struggle )d forward. - 고군분투하다
When he came up, he plunged forward, ( desperately ) trying to get to shore. - 필사적으로
When his head bobbed up above the water, he choked and coughed.
* bob up: 불쑥 떠오르다
* choke: 질식시키다, 억누르다.
** stroke: 쓰다듬다
But each time, he got up and ( hurl )ed himself closer to shore. - ~을 세게 던지다.
Finally, Jack ( drag )ged himself out of the ocean. - 끌다(드래그~~)
Feeling bruised and battered, he fell onto the sand.
* bruise: 멍이 생기다
* batter: 강타하다
He felt shaky and mad at himself.
* feel shake: 기분이 좋지 않다.
I never should have tried to stand! he thought.
* should have p.p. (과거에 대한 후회, 유감) v 했어야 했는데 (하지 않았다).
** 서핑보드에서 절대 일어나지 말았어야 했다.
It's not funny, thought Jack. I nearly ( drown )ed! - 익사하다
Jack ( jerk )ed it away from her. - 홱 잡아당기다.
"Why are you laughing?" Jack ( snap )ped. - (보통 화난 목소리로) 딱딱거리다[톡 쏘다]
Jack opened his book and ( pretend )ed to read it. - (동사) ~ 하는 척 하다
** 01권: Annie loved ( pretend ) stuff. But Jack liked real things. - (형용사) 상상의
too 형 to-v: 너무 형용사해서 v할 수 없었다.
He did feel sorry, but he was too upset to say so.
"I don't care," he muttered.
* I don't care: 상관없어(2009년인가에 2NE1이 불렀던 곡이였죠~)
* mutter: (특히 기분이 나빠서) 중얼거리다
But how the heck are we supposed to do that?
* how the heck를 도대체(=in the world)로 이해했는데 다른 분은 어떻게 이해를...
Jack ( heave )d an angry sigh. - 크게 한숨 등을 내쉬다
Now he was cross with Morgan.
* be cross with: 얄망궂게 굴다(성질이나 태도가 괴상하고 까다로워 얄미운 데가 있다.)
Suddenly Jack heard a ( rumbling ) from under the sand. - 우르릉 거리는 소리(rumble)
Rocks tumbled down from the cliff.
* tumble: 구르다
* cliff: 절벽
Earthquakes in Hawaii have been known to cause tsunamis, which used to be called "tidal waves."
* tidal: 조수의(밀물과 썰물)
Magic Tree House #28 (High Tide in Hawaii) - 7 ~ 8 Chapter
잭이 급하게 애들 모두 알리게 되고
급히 언덕위로 올라갑니다.
그리고 나선 쓰나미가 몰려오는 것을 목격하게 되네요.
Once he was past them, he threw himself on his board and paddled wildly.
[once의 다양한 표현]
"Let's go home now," he begged once they were outside.
* once: (접속사)~ 하자마자
** once: (부사) 한번
*** I've only been there once. 나는 그곳에 한 번밖에 안 가 보았다.
** once: (부사) 옛날에, 언젠가
*** I once met your mother. 내가 언젠간 너의 엄마를 만났었다.
** once: (부사) 일단 ~ 하면
If she once decides to do something, you won't change her mind.
그녀가 일단 무엇을 하기로 결심을 하면 그녀의 마음은 못 바꾼다.
The wave ( swell )s grew as he paddled. - 팽창
** 28권: Then they found rocks and began to whack the hard ( shell )s. - 조개
** 21권: Cannon ( shell )s exploding," said Clara Barton. - 포탄
Jack thought ( frantically ). "HELP! HELP!" he yelled at the top of his lungs. - 열광적으로, 미친듯이
The swell of the wave picked them up. They were all ( swept ) forward! - 거칠게 휩쓸고 가다(sweep-swept-swept)
He ( snatch )ed up his board and ran onto the sand. - 낚아채다
As they watched, something very ( weird ) began to happen to the ocean. - 이상한
The water ( drew away ) from the beach, and a loud hissing sound came from the sea. - To move away
* hiss: 쉬익 하는 소리를 내다
Suddenly fish ( flop )ped on the bare sand! - 털썩 떨어지다
** 04권: He ( prop )ped the pirate book in the sand. - 기대다
The four of them ( bolt )ed back from the edge of the rocky slope. - (자동사) 도망치다, 뛰어나가다
** bolt: (타동사) 잠그다, 죄다
Magic Tree House #28 (High Tide in Hawaii) - 9 ~ 10 Chapter
잭과 애니는 이번 여행이 배(ship)가 아닌 우정(friendship)인걸 깨닫게 되고
이제 집으로 돌아옵니다.
집에 돌아오니 모건 할머니께서 기다리고 계시네요
그리고 각각의 매직에 대해 설명을 해주십니다.
마지막으로 잭과 애니는 마법사가 되었네요
2부에서는 잭과 애니의 판타지가 될까요?
매직트리하우스 1부가 끝이 났네요.
"The book cannot move its feet or wave its hands. It cannot sing or ( chant )." - 노래하다
A teenage boy ( knock )ed two sticks together. - 두드리다
They stepped ( from side to side ). They swayed their hips. - 좌우로
* sway: (좌우로) 흔들다
"even when they are ( far apart )." - 멀리 떨어진
Though the red flowers were wet, they were still a little ( fluffy ). - 솜털의
"You have learned to find the magic in things you ( encounter ) on earth every day. - 맞닥뜨리다
Soon you will be called upon to use your knowledge of Everyday Magic in the ( realm ) of fantasy." - 왕국
Jack felt a ( surge ) of happiness. - 밀려들다